News Archive
- 2018.6.27
We have been awarded JSAI Incentive Award
- 2017.9.18
Our paper "graphkernels: R and Python packages for graph comparison" has been accepted to Bioinformatics
Library (R)
Library (Python)
- 2017.6.22
I give a talk about significant pattern mining on graphs at the 10th International Conference on Multiple Comparison Procedures (MCP 2017, 2017.6.20-23)
- 2017.5.13
Our paper "Tensor Balancing on Statistical Manifold" has been accepted to The 34th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2017, 2017.8.6-11)
Code (GitHub)
- 2017.4.1
I became an associate professor at National Institute of Informatics
- 2017.3.30
A review (in Japanese) about significant pattern mining is published at Communications of the Operations Research Society of Japan.
- 2016.10.24
I give a talk about partial order structure and information geometry at The 19th Information-Based Induction Sciences Workshop (IBIS 2016, 2016.11.16-19)
- 2016.10.12
Our paper "Finding Combinations of Binary Variables with Guaranteed Accuracy" (First author: Yoshito Baba) has been accepted to NIPS 2016 Workshop Adaptive and Scalable Nonparametric Methods in Machine Learning (2016.12.10)
- 2016.7.5
Our paper "Halting in Random Walk Kernels" (Mahito Sugiyama, Karsten Borgwardt) was selected as IEICE TC-IBISML Research Award Finalist
- 2016.4.3
Our paper "Information Decomposition on Structured Space" has been accepted to The 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2016, 2016.7.10-15)
Code (GitHub)
- 2016.4.1
Our proposals have been accepted to the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) "Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)" (PI) and "Scientific Research (B)" (Co-Investigator)
- 2016.2.10
I gave a talk about statistical data analysis using information geometry at 3rd mini-symposium on Computations, Brains and Machines (2016.3.17)
Ref. paper (on arXiv)
- 2015.9.17
I gave a tutorial on Significant Pattern Mining at FIT2015 (2015.9.15-17)
- 2015.9.5
Our paper "Halting in Random Walk Kernels" has been accepted to The 29th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2015, 2015.12.7-12)
Code (GitHub)
- 2015.7.14
I have been awarded the Osaka University Presidential Award for Encouragement
- 2015.5.13
Our paper "Fast and Memory-Efficient Significant Pattern Mining via Permutation Testing" (First author: Felipe Llinares-López) has been accepted to 21st ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2015, 2015.8.10-13)
- 2015.4.18
Our paper "Genome-Wide Detection of Intervals of Genetic Heterogeneity Associated with Complex Traits" (First author: Felipe Llinares-López) has been accepted to 23rd Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB/ECCB 2015, 2015.7.10-14)
- 2015.2.16
I will give a talk about multiple testing correction in graph mining at Tokyo Workshop on Statistically Sound Data Mining
- 2014.12.25
Our paper "Significant Subgraph Mining with Multiple Testing Correction" has been accepted to the 2015 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2015, 2015.4.30-5.2)
Code (GitHub)
- 2014.10.4
I stay at the Borgwardt Lab at ETH Zürich until Nov. 30.
- 2014.10.1
I became a JST PRESTO Researcher (concurrent)
- 2014.8.29
My proposal has been accepted to the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) "Research Activity Start-up"
- 2014.6.16
I gave a talk about recent advances of outlier detection at Kyoto University Informatics Seminar
- 2014.4.1
I became an assistant professor at Department of Reasoning for Intelligence, ISIR, Osaka University
- 2014.2.3
Our paper "Outliers on Concept Lattices" has been accepted to the JSAI-isAI 2013 Post-Workshop Proceedings (will appear at LNCS)
- 2013.12.22
Our paper "Multi-Task Feature Selection on Multiple Networks via Maximum Flows" has been accepted to the 2014 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2014, 2014.4.24-26)
- 2013.9.5
Our paper "Rapid Distance-Based Outlier Detection via Sampling" has been accepted to the 27th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2013, 2013.12.5-10)
Code (GitHub)
- 2013.9.3
Our paper "Outliers on Concept Lattices" has been accepted to the Workshop on Data Discretization and Segmentation for Knowledge Discovery (DDS13, 2013.10.27)
- 2013.6.24
Our paper "Efficient Network-guided Multi-locus Association Mapping with Graph Cuts" (First author: Chloé-Agathe Azencott) has been published in Bioinformatics
- 2013.5.28
Our paper "Semi-Supervised Learning on Closed Set Lattices" has been published in Intelligent Data Analysis
- 2013.4.23
Our paper "Efficient Network-guided Multi-locus Association Mapping with Graph Cuts" (First author: Chloé-Agathe Azencott) has been accepted to the 21st Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB/ECCB 2013, 2013.7.21-23)
- 2013.4.15
I have been awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
- 2013.4.2
Our paper "Measuring Statistical Dependence via the Mutual Information Dimension" has been accepted to the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2013, 2013.8.3-9)
- 2012.7.1
I started to work as a postdoc researcher at Max Planck Institutes
- 2012.6.25
Our paper "Learning Figures with the Hausdorff Metric by FractalsTowards Computable Binary Classification" has been published in Machine Learning
- 2012.5.29
Our paper "Learning Figures with the Hausdorff Metric by FractalsTowards Computable Binary Classification" has been accepted for publication in Machine Learning
- 2012.4.2
This webpage was moved from to
- 2012.4.1
I started to work as a research fellow at Osaka University
- 2012.3.26
I received the degree of Doctor of Informatics at Kyoto University
- 2012.2.28
Our paper "Semi-Supervised ligand Finding Using Formal Concept Analysis" has been accepted for publication in IPSJ TOM
- 2011.10.19
Our paper "High-throughput Data Stream Classification on Trees" has been accepted to Second Workshop on Algorithms for Large-Scale Information Processing in Knowledge Discovery (ALSIP 2011, 2011.12.1-2)
- 2011.10.16
Our paper "Semi-Supervised Learning on Closed Set Lattices" has been accepted for publication in Intelligent Data Analysis Journal
- 2011.9.7
Our paper "A Fast and Flexible Clustering Algorithm Using Binary Discretization" has been accepted to the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2011, 2011.12.11-14)
- 2011.7.13
Our paper "Discovering ligands for TRP Ion Channels Using Formal Concept Analysis" has been accepted to the 21st International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2011, 2011.7.31-8.3)
- 2011.6.4
Our paper "The Minimum Code Length for Clustering Using the Gray Code" has been accepted to European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2011, 2011.9.5-9)
- 2011.3.26
Our paper "Semi-Supervised Learning for Mixed-Type Data via Formal Concept Analysis" has been accepted to the 19th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS2011, 2011.7.25-29)